
The Buddhist law of impermanence (Anicca in Pali) has never been more tangibly true for me than it is right now. Things are changing at home and across the nation. New year, new seizure types, new medications, new nursing care, new presidential administration, new era of political unrest. How will 2017 unfold? No one knows. […]
Finding the Lotus in the Mud

You are the witness of your own heart and mind. You are the infinite witnessing the finite. You are boundless love witnessing anger. You are pure bliss witnessing sorrow. Love what you are going through. […]
Hope & Doubt

hope |hōp| – a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen: I hope this new medication works; a person or thing that may help or save someone: This new medication is our only hope; grounds for believing that something good may happen: The medical evidence gives us some hope that this medication will help. doubt |dout| – a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction: Some doubts exist regarding the effectiveness of this medication; feel uncertain about: I doubt we’ll see an […]
Worldly Winds and Second Arrows

“Monks, these eight worldly conditions spin after the world, and the world spins after these eight worldly conditions. Which eight? Gain, loss, status, disgrace, censure, praise, pleasure, & pain. These are the eight worldly conditions that spin after the world, and the world spins after these eight worldly conditions.” […]
March 26: Purple Day for Epilepsy Awareness

Today’s blog is dedicated to Purple Day, a day to wear purple and raise awareness about epilepsy. Purple Day was started by a young girl from Nova Scotia, Cassidy Megan, in 2008. Within only a few years, Cassidy’s dream to “bring people from around the world together to teach others about epilepsy” became […]